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Airway Science
for Kids

ROLE: Concept, Research, Visuals, Testing
COMPANY: Airway Science for Kids, Inc.
Mockup of Airway Science for Kids RWD project

Project Overview

The goal of this theoretical redesign project was to establish more efficient communications between the stakeholder and the user, thereby ensuring that users get the information they need to register for AirSci programs. 

The Problem

The lack of effective communication from the organization regarding registration dates and limited program availability resulted in Airway Science users facing extended waitlists and missed opportunities.


1. Create a newsletter subscription modal

2. Highlight program dates

3. Refine the information architecture

4. Add ticker box with updated availability

Mockup of the old Airway Science for Kids website

Heuristic Evaluation

By performing a heuristic evaluation on the old Airway Science website, we collected the following significant discoveries.

  1. Unclear CTA: The website's purpose and no clear call to action were unclear.

  2. Copy Heavy: The website was copy heavy and the large blocks of text made it difficult to find important information.

  3. No Search Bar: The was no secondary navigation such as a search bar.

  4. Low-quality Photos: The website was riddled with low-quality, irrelevant imagery.

User Interviews & Key Findings



  • To inspire new interests and hobbies in their children

  • To provide "fun" learning opportunities 

  • To facilitate in-person activity engagement 

  • To cultivate social skills and teamwork in their children

Pain Points


  • Concerns surrounding their children's safety and security 

  • High, inaccessible program costs

  • Poor communication from the organization

  • Limited program availability/extensive waitlists

Image of an African American woman hugging her child.


Susana Flec

Meet Susana - a 37-year-old marketing director and mother of three. She values education and seeks out unique learning opportunities for her children. Unfortunately, her family lives in a low-ranking school district that doesn’t offer educational opportunities outside of public school. Fortunately, AirSci focuses on serving low-income children and children of color so Susana’s children can access STEAM education that they would otherwise not have access to.

User Journey Map

2. Begins doing research but wastes time on websites with only "sold out" programs.

4. Discovers AirSci and finds the program information she needs.

6. Receives newsletter with registration dates and successfully registers her child for a program.







1. Susana wants to sign her child up for an educational summer camp.

3. Misses many registration deadlines and worries that her child won't get into a program due to limited availability and waitlists.

5. Signs up for AirSci newsletter.


In mapping out Susana's journey to register her child for an educational program, I discovered the greatest opportunities to improve the user experience. These opportunities include implementing a real-time headcount ticker on each program to view how many seats are currently available and creating a newsletter subscription modal so users can get the most up-to-date information directly to their email inboxes.

Information Architecture

The AirSci navigation was originally organized randomly, so we used card sorting to categorize the information architecture. We added new links to the main navigation, a top global navigation bar for easy access to often-used links, and improved the footer to make it more usable.

Diagram of information architecture

Low-Fidelity Wireframe

After sketching, I crystallized my vision by creating low-fidelity wireframes that focus primarily on the user experience, task flows, and information architecture.

Image of low-fidelity wireframe


After wireframing, I moved into high-fidelity prototyping implementing user experience as well as visual design to bring my concept to life.

Image of high-fidelity prototype with wire lines

Branding & Style Guide

To inject some liveliness into the Airway Science website, we revamped its grayscale color palette which appeared monotonous for a youth-oriented organization. Our solution involved incorporating playful blue and orange hues, designing identifiable components, and integrating more relevant imagery.

Image of branding style tile
GIF of mobile redesign

Final Mobile Redesign

GIF of desktop redesign

Final Desktop Redesign


In order to enhance the user experience, we have implemented a newsletter subscription option to provide users with timely registration information. Furthermore, we have addressed user feedback regarding copy-heavy pages by simplifying and redesigning the content to ensure it is easily scannable and digestible. As design choices and preferences are subjective, we found a collaborative approach to be necessary and iterative.

Next Steps

Given additional time for this project, we would prioritize aligning the design with the brand's whimsical and playful aesthetic, evoking a childlike feel. Additionally, we would incorporate a ticker component under each program to display real-time availability of seats.

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